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《时代》周刊的一篇关于《中国不高兴》的书评这样写道:“很容易感觉到仅仅是作者们自己不高兴,很生气, 而很多中国人不这样。他们所鼓吹的民族主义论调仍是一股强大的力量,但是他们好像更担心国内的对手,而非国外。”  

我们美国人,以及我们美国令全世界艳羡的大学,还有至今未能被人超越过的诺贝尔奖得主们和研究中心,还有理应相当有眼力的出版业,都倾向于认为,我们主流思想论调从无夸张的成分。但我们也出过拉斐·巴特拉(Ravi Batra)之辈。他当时被认为是重要的经济学家,曾在1987年由著名的西蒙-舒斯特(Simon & Shuster)出版社发行了一本书,名为《1990年的大萧条》。该书成为全球畅销书,而且是当时炙手可热的话题,直到1990年平静的度过,却没有发生大萧条。现在,这本书象征着知识分子的分析和预测可能出现多么巨大的失误。 


21世纪头十年内,一系列此类书籍相继问世。其中包括章家敦2001年出版的《中国即将崩溃》(政治幻想型)、加文·孟席斯2002年出版的《 1421:中国发现了世界 》(历史幻想型),以及最近马丁·雅克2009年出版的《当中国统治世界:中国的崛起和西方的衰落》(未来幻想型)。 



最近,中信出版社出版了《当中国统治世界 》一书的简体中文删节版。该书至少没有像《中国即将崩溃》那样对中国的成见。它展现了中国作为世界主导力量的前景,而没有把中国描画为无能政府统治下的倒霉国家。尽管如此,书中还是不断出现 “中国威胁论”滥调重弹的老套路,对中国在世界事务中不断演进的角色也缺乏重要的新观点。 



在本书长达400页的英文原版中,关键的一章只有不到40页。这一章最终论证了 “中国统治世界”的推断。读者在这一章只能看到非常单薄的论证,例如只有区区两段指出,北京将取代纽约成为“新的世界之都”,只有两页描述出现“中(国)联邦”的可能性,又在没有事实根据的前提下,和风细雨地说什么,普通话将取代英语成为全球通用的语言,中国的大学将主导全球教育,中国电影的吸引力将超过好莱坞等等。 


但在《当中国统治世界 》一书中却找不到任何描述中国社会正朝此方向演变的证据,比介绍中国实际上正在 “统治”世界之路上前进的篇幅还要少。而且,尽管书中赞扬中国是个“文明国家”,但只要全面研究中国文明就能发现,中国历史上坚定不移地奉行不对外侵略的主张,而是一心一意统一自己的传统影响力所及的疆土和人民。只有彻头彻尾的中国文化的门外汉才会预言,中国寻求在全球称霸。 

在我们现在生活的时代,美国力量好像正日薄西山。所以很容易张口闭口就是美国衰落——就像悲观评论家多年所说——然后努力寻找一个国家代替美国“领导世界”。悲观主义者一直忽视的一个关键因素,是美国社会的活力。美国社会有这样那样的问题,但它以开放为本(美国社会如此开放,以至于世界上任何人都可以成为美国人),追求真理(这股热情可追溯到西方思想的希腊哲学起源)。我们称之的(通常没人这么叫) “美国文明”具有这两大主要特点。它大大地激发了论证和创新。以此产生的美国文化和美国思想的影响,远比美国军事力量或美国政治手段在世界舞台的影响还要广泛,还要深远。 


邵洪波 译
China’s Global Power: Moving Beyond Fantasy to Reality

Walt Disney, the most economically successful animator in history, observed: “All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.” Exaggeration and fantasy give animation and certain genres of fiction and the arts an enduring magic. But what to make of exaggeration and fantastic conjecture when it enters supposedly serious discourse on world affairs?

Recent Chinese best sellers such as 《货币战争》(followed by 《货币战争2》)and《中国不高兴》are, by most Western standards, viewed as irrationally argued, negative emotional responses to China’s growing influence in the global economy. A Reuters article commented that “《货币战争2》will not convince many economists. But its popularity is a telling sign of China's contradictory times.”

A book review on《中国不高兴》in Time magazine remarked “it's easy to get the feeling that it's not so much China that's unhappy and angry, but the authors themselves. The brand of nationalism they preach is still a potent force, but they seem more upset about rivalries at home than abroad.”

We Americans—with our universities that are the envy of the world, unsurpassed collection of Nobel laureates and research centers, and what is supposed to be a very discerning publishing industry—tend to think that our mainstream intellectual discourse is beyond such hyperbole. Yet we have had cases like those of Ravi Batra, at the time considered a leading American economist, who published with the esteemed publisher Simon & Shuster in 1987 a book called The Great Depression of 1990. An international best seller, the book was a hot item until 1990 came and went but a Great Depression did not. The book now symbolizes of how massively wrong otherwise intelligent people can be with their analysis and predictions. 

After the Great Depression of 1990, books from recognized experts on the global economy and world affairs have tended to be more sober minded. Even if not always accurate, usually great care in the research and writing has held back tendencies towards gross exaggeration. Unfortunately for popular Western books on China, however, cartoonish portrayals continue to emerge. 

The first decade of the 21st century has seen release of such notable works as 章家敦 (Gordon Chang)2001年 《中国即将崩溃》 (political fantasy), 加文·孟席斯(Gavin Menzies)2002年《 1421:中国发现了世界 》 (historical fantasy), and most recently in 马丁·雅克(Martin Jacques)2009年《当中国统治世界:中国的崛起和西方的衰落》(futurist fantasy)。 

Ever since Westerners first marveling at the allure of Chinese products (as the ancient Romans did of Chinese silk gauze) or trembled at the advance Asian armies (as Europeans did with the 13th century Mongol Empire), a mixture of mystery and trepidation has characterized the image of China that is conceived in the Western imagination. In ancient times, fantastic conjectures about China were practically unavoidable given the lack of reliable information and respect of objective thought. But today, despite having access to better sources, fantastic portrayals of China by the likes of Chang, Menzies, and Jacques continue to feed misconceptions and prejudices about what China represents to the outside world.

Something issued ten years ago with the title《中国即将崩溃》should today be as much of a joke as The Great Depression of 1990 quickly became once actual events clearly repudiated the book’s outlandish theories. In the updated 2002 edition of his book, Chang proclaimed that the government of China had “run out of time.” He also claimed that the Chinese Communist Part was “at all levels, an organization out of control.” That such an unrestrainedly hysterical a book as Chang’s has itself not “run out of time” and continues still to sell so many years after its laughably ill-informed predictions reflects how many in the West continue to cling to fantasy notions of China.

《当中国统治世界 》, which recently came out in an abridged, simplified Chinese version by 中信出版社, at least goes beyond the negative Chinese stereotypes that plague 《中国即将崩溃》by showing a future China as a dominating global force rather than a hapless victim of inept government. Nevertheless, it still repeats old patterns of hackneyed “China threat” speculations and fails to deliver significant new insights about China’s evolving role in the world.  

Jacques major arguments stem from his basic (and unenlightening) observation that China is a “文明国家” (civilization-state) rather than a “民族国家” (nation-state) that typifies Western democracies. Through uncritical rehashing of economic statistics and historical analysis contributed by other experts, his supposedly novel conclusion is that “China’s impact on the world will be as great as that of the United States over the last century, probably far greater.”

Leaving aside issues with Jacques interpretation of the civilization-states versus nation-states dichotomy and his inability to critically analyze economic and historic data, his greatest fault is simply not bothering to support his conclusions about China’s future impact on the world matching or exceeding that of the United States. 

In over 400 pages of the original English version of the book, the author spends a scant 40 in the crucial chapter that finally gets around to explaining the implications of “When China Rules the World.” Here readers are treated to very thin explanations such as a mere two paragraphs on the claim that Beijing will replace New York as the “new global capital,” two pages on the possibility of a “Chinese commonwealth,” and similarly breezy, unsubstantiated claims that Mandarin will replace English as the global language, Chinese universities will dominate the global education, and Chinese films will attract a following that exceeds that of Hollywood. 

As a long-time resident of Beijing, I would love to see this city replace New York in global significance. As a fan of Chinese literature and movies, I would cheer at Chinese movies attaining global blockbuster status. As someone often frustrated by the limitations of American think tanks and universities, I would welcome an even stronger, more balanced intellectual infrastructure in the PRC. In short, although an American who loves my home society, I think it would be great if China reached a similar level of global influence as the US if only to better balance out the world system. 

Yet the evidence of such an evolution for Chinese society is not to be found in the pages of 《当中国统治世界 》, much less that China is on its way to actually “ruling” the world. Moreover, despite its claims to appreciate China as a “文明国家”, any thorough examination of Chinese civilization reveals that China historically has been decidedly uninterested in foreign conquest and more preoccupied with unifying the lands and people of its traditional sphere of influence. Only a true outsider to Chinese culture would anticipate a China that seeks global domination.

We live in an era where American power seems to be slipping. So it is easy to talk about American decline—as pessimistic commentators have been for decades—and try to identify a country to replace the US as de facto world leader. The key element the pessimists continually overlook is the dynamism of American society. Whatever its faults, American society is built on openness (so much so that any person in the world can become American) and pursuit of truth (a passion that traces back to the Greek philosophical origins of Western thought). Both these key characteristics of what we could (but usually do not) call “American civilization” strongly encourage debate and innovation. Thus the cultural and intellectual impact of the US goes far beyond whatever has or will become of the performance of American military forces or political maneuvering on the world stage. 

This latter point should be encouraging to China. It means that the country does not need to resort to costly and extremely risky efforts at hegemony. The more open, innovative, and vibrant Chinese society becomes, the more it will be in a position to influence the world beyond. China obviously is making important progress in this direction. But a vision that China will rule the world is as unattainable a vision as China’s collapse. Caricatured extremist portrayals do not reveal China’s future. Look instead at the efforts of China’s conscientious intellectuals, pioneering innovators, and forward-thinking entrepreneurs who are actively forging the nation’s future rather than merely trying to describe it.  






13篇文章 10年前更新

位于北京的Rob Koepp(“罗伯·科普”,中文名字为康仕学)是美籍作家、顾问和企业管理者。他学历与职业背景覆盖创意、金融、经济、科技等产业以及人文学的领域。他最近著有Betting on China: Chinese Stocks, American Stock Markets, and the Wagers on a New Dynamic in Global Capitalism 以约翰威立父子出版公司在2012年为出版。其中文版——《赌注中国:谁在做空中国概念股》——以时代书局在2013年出版。他还著有 Clusters of Creativity《创意集群》一书(约翰威立出版),书中深入地探讨了如何金融投资、创业家精神和商业创新来打造科技创意产业发展集群的现象。精通英中日三个国家语言的康先生曾翻译畅销书的日文商业漫画本 George Soros《乔治·索罗斯金融原理与投资策略》。 www.bettingonchina.com
